
  • HEALTHCARE NEEDS TO BE AN INDIVIDUAL CHOICE:       Healthcare needs to be an individual, price driven, and the ability to chose one’s own preferred choice of insurance. Let us change the name to healthcare insurance, not Healthcare since there is no real healthcare, just guaranteed controls that were put in place and then also with the latest offer. For the Veterans, the elderly, and the Pre-existing conditions insurance purchaser, they need a real choice that includes their needs and gives them the ability to join a Co-op where they can purchase from any insurance group throughout America.


  • TAXES NEED TO COINCIDE WITH STATE EXPENDITURES:       If there is going to be a tax on a city or county tax, then that tax should be returned in kind in feeding the poor, and finding homes for the homeless. Taxes on gasoline need to be used specifically for roads and bridges, while taxes on cigarettes need to go towards healthcare for the preborn, the elderly, the Veterans, and preexisting conditions needy in the state. No longer an unending credit card where one attempts to pay for pet projects by charging all citizens.


  • THE COST OF RENTALS IS AN ENORMOUS PERCENTAGE OF ONE’s INCOME AND NEEDS TO HAVE CONTROLS TO STOP NEEDLESS EVICTIONS:     The average income within the state cannot sustain $2,000.00 rentals, but landlords will accept people and then the one time an emergency comes up, they legally are allowed to evict. That puts people in choices of paying for a running car, food on the plate, and electricity or paying a much too high rental cost. It is the time that South Carolina got in line with many other states and had to give the full month to pay the rent, and then if the rent is not paid, they can apply for eviction. I propose that this is not allowed on one’s credit until the rental income is more in line with the pay scale throughout the state.


  • SOUTH CAROLINA NEEDS TO PUT A LIMIT ON PAWN SHOP, TITLE LOAN, AND RENTAL STORES RATE THEY CAN CHARGE:       South Carolina needs to protect the poor and indigent by controlling the maximum amount that any, rental store for profit,  pawn shop, any payday loan, or auto title loan can charge. If we control the percentage of CC and other loans, then to have an annual rate that is equal to no more than two times the rate one who had good credit could get a loan, then people would not lose family heirlooms and other important items.


  • SOUTH CAROLINA DOES NOT ACCEPT THE CITIZENSHIP PROOF FROM OTHER STATES THAT USE THE MOST STRINGENT MEASUREMENTS BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, IT NEEDS TO ACCEPT THE SAME:       In South Carolina, if for any reason you may have been born in Canada, or Mexico 40 years ago, became a U.S. citizen, and have proved it by the most stringent criteria is not good enough for South Carolina. They want you to locate your U.S. citizenship papers, your birth certificate, and then they will allow you to get just an ID card. This is detrimental to U.S. citizens that may have been unlucky enough to have to be born in a hospital next to the border but in another country. The parents are U.S. citizens, and these people went through and got their citizenship, but lost the original form, even though the photocopy has all the correct information, would need to pay $300.00 to $400.00 to get an ID card. This needs to stop, and South Carolina needs to accept other states acceptance of citizenship when they gave the ID or Driver’s license.



  • TRANSPARENCY BY USING AS MANY SOURCES AS POSSIBLE TO KEEP UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION TO THE CITIZENS OF VOTES, UPCOMING VOTES, AND LEGISLATION THAT HAS BEEN ACCEPTED, AS WELL AS OPENING THE WINDOW TO EACH POLITICIANS WORK:       I believe that to report on a regular basis the legislation that I propose, the votes I placed, and what is coming up so that my constituents are aware of what is on my mind, and so they can offer their desire or need.

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  • EVERY NEW PIECE OF LEGISLATION MUST ADHERE TO THE PROMISE OF FREEDOM TO EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD, AND THAT THEY ARE GUARANTEED THE OPPORTUNITY TO THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS IN THE WAY THEY SEE FIT:       For every item presented and voted upon, the first criteria are that it meets both the US Constitution and secondly the South Carolina Constitution. There should never be a case of extra-Constitutional to add pork or special project for one politician.


  • SCHOOLING IS A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF A CHILD’S DEVELOPMENT AND CANNOT BE CONTROLLED BY A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. IT MUST BE LOCAL, INDIVIDUAL, AND ADAPTABLE:       Today we have schools that are teaching anti-religion values for certain religions. This puts a strain on the family unit and may cause the student’s grades to falter. There needs to be an equality between public, private and home schools, and that the funds paid need to be divided equally by the percentage of students in each category. South Carolina needs to adhere to no bigotry, no haves against have nots, and keep all school choices local. States can have one standardized testing at specific levels and the same can be stated for federal schooling.

President Clinton And President George W. Bush Launch Presidential Leadership Scholars Program

  • CITIZENS OF SOUTH CAROLINA SHOULD NEVER HAVE ANY LAW OR PIECE OF LEGISLATION PLACED UPON THEM THAT IS NOT ALSO FOR EVERY POLITICIAN:            The days of special rules for politicians compared to the citizens is over. Everyone must adhere to the same rules from day one. There needs to be a crossing of the aisles to make South Carolina better, and it takes humble leaders over egomaniac style politicians.


I believe that South Carolina can truly be a leader for the next millennium if we find great leaders who love South Carolina and want it to become better for all citizens. We see so many large corporations that enter this state, and now we need to take care of our citizens by legislation that is citizen centric and not political gambles. It is time for politicians who put logic over the party, citizen over personal gain, and recognizes the true needs to lead the state and not just political double speak. I ask for you to get involved with my candidacy The Centrist Randy Deabay for District 41 State Senator for the state of South Carolina. Help me make the difference that we all want to see, and that will take a commitment and promise from me to always be open, transparent and understanding and it means you must get involved, and stay involved by holding me to my promises.



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