My Response To President Trump, And His Call For Ending DACA

In America, it is the law that you are innocent until proven guilty. In America the 14th Amendment provides protection to Americans as well as to immigrants, whether legal or illegally immigrated. We need to follow the Constitution, and court decisions to realize the full scope of this issue. I believe that the President has gone beyond his current scope by promising to end this program. Either the program is legal, which means Congress must be the ones to change it, or it is not Constitutional as far as DACA goes, and that must be decided by the Supreme court. Once it is determined, if legal, Congress has full control of changing the legality of the program, if it is illegal, then each individual has the protection of the 14th amendment to force the government to provide evidence of cause, and then the President can cause deportation of the individual. There should be no, can be no mass deportation of 800,000 children that were too young to choose to come to or not come to America. For most of the older DACA children, the only life they have known is America, and they would be foreign to go back to the country of origin at best, if not claimed to be a criminal by others. Is this the actual idea that America wants to place upon our heads, that of one who causes the criminalization of innocent children?

This should not be a right or left question, but one of morality, comprehension of law, and the future of 800,000 Children who are innocent. They are not allowed government aide, they do pay taxes if working as well as Social Security is paid. The percentage of criminal activity is minuscule compared to legal immigrants. We as a people need to remember, we came illegally to this country and took ownership over 250 years ago, and only through the grace of God were we able to create the settlements that began the greatest superpower the world has ever seen. We should never show bigotry nor racism in our decisions, and if we must try to deport these children, then we MUST follow the Constitutional precedent and give each one their time to face their accuser, and force the accuser to provide evidence of harm.

I support the US Congress to pass legislation to protect those already here in the United States, as well as set up an ongoing rationale for future situations. Let us be that Shining city on A hill and take Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Let America come together in unity and stop the tearing the fabric Apart, and stitch our rips with love and kindness, for only then will we survive. I call for the State of South Carolina Congress to demand that the Federal Government do what is right by the people, and show compassion and morality over greed and bigotry.

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