My Response As A Candidate For State Senate To Hurricane Irma

I call on the Governors of those not affected to offer assistance to the affected area, and I also ask that large corporations give paid time off to those who can assist in the rebuilding

As of 11 AM on Saturday, Irma was licking at the outer Keys and Jose was a strong Category 4 Hurricane, following in Irma’s path.  America’s greatest asset, her people are in harm’s way. I would like to congratulate the Governors who took the initiative to all for evacuation. What America still sees are many businesses that are TOO greedy to heed the warnings, and give their employees enough paid time off to ready for the storm, and evacuate if the storm is going to hit you. After the fact, they wonder why people are injured or worse. We as a nation need to put American souls first and foremost in these decision making processes, and as the state governments call for an evacuation, the businesses need to be proactive in their decisions to close early, pay their employees and stress for their employees to get away from the impending storm.

To those in the path of these mighty storms, America’s hearts and prayers go out to you. We pray that the damage is as minor as can be expected, that you are well away from the storm and that you, your family, and your fur-babies are safe. We as a nation of neighbors can help you to rebuild, and we will be there when you call, just be safe today, and tomorrow we can begin anew. You are millions of neighbors, friends, loved ones, and families, and you are our future, and we are glued to our internets and televisions hoping that the worst will stay out to sea. May God bless you all, and may you be safe on your journey until you return home.

I call on the Governors of those not affected to offer assistance to the affected area, and I also ask that large corporations give paid time off to those who can assist in the rebuilding and assistance over the next few months whether it be from Harvey, Irma, or Jose. We need to work as one nation helping those who are in need at this time.